

蔡孟傑 Meng-Kiat Chuah
03-571-5131 ext. 33081
蔡孟傑 Meng-Kiat Chuah


Harmonic analysis of compact Lie supergroups (with C. A. Cremonini and R. Fioresi), to appear in Expositiones Mathematicae.
Partial Dirac cohomology and tempered representations (with J. S. Huang and J. A. Wolf), Journal of Functional Analysis 284 (2023), 109822.
Outer automorphism groups of real forms of contragredient Lie superalgebras (with M. Zhang), Journal of Algebra 619 (2023), 60-98.
Outer automorphism groups of contragredient Lie superalgebras (with M. Zhang), Algebras and Representation Theory 25 (2022), 401-412.
Levi factors and admissible automorphisms (with R. Fioresi), Algebras and Representation Theory 25 (2022), 341-358.
Symplectic symmetric pairs of contragredient Lie superalgebras (with M. Zhang), Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata 200 (2021), 1195-1215.
Equal rank real forms of affine non-twisted Kac-Moody Lie superalgebras (with R. Fioresi), Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 224 (2020), 106278.
Real forms of contragredient Lie superalgebras with isomorphic even parts (with R. Fioresi), Journal of Lie Theory 29 (2019), 239-246.
Affine Vogan diagrams and symmetric pairs, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 222 (2018), 1606-1627.
Outer automorphism groups of simple Lie algebras and symmetries of painted diagrams (with M. Zhang), Forum Mathematicum 29 (2017), 555-562.
Admissible positive systems of affine Kac-Moody Lie algebras: The twisted cases (with R. Fioresi), Journal of Algebra 469 (2017), 390-401.
Dirac cohomology and geometric quantization (with J. S. Huang), Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 720 (2016), 33-50.
Erratum: Contragredient Supersymmetric Pairs (with M. Zhang), Journal of Mathematical Physics 57 (2016), 109901.
Admissible positive systems of affine non-twisted Kac-Moody Lie algebras (with R. Fioresi), Journal of Algebra 453 (2016), 561-577.
Hermitian real forms of contragredient Lie superalgebras (with R. Fioresi), Journal of Algebra 437 (2015), 161-176.
Partially harmonic forms and models of H-series, Journal of Functional Analysis 266 (2014), 2740-2764.
Contragredient supersymmetric pairs, Journal of Mathematical Physics 54 (2013), 091702.
Double Vogan diagrams and irreducible pseudo-Hermitian symmetric spaces, Mathematical Research Letters 20 (2013), 477-487.
Cartan automorphisms and Vogan superdiagrams, Mathematische Zeitschrift 273 (2013), 793-800.
Finite order automorphisms on contragredient Lie superalgebras, Journal of Algebra 351 (2012), 138-159.
Finite order automorphisms on real simple Lie algebras, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 364 (2012), 3715-3749.
Double Vogan diagrams and semisimple symmetric spaces (with J. S. Huang), Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 362 (2010), 1721-1750.
Regular principal models of split semisimple Lie groups, Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 623 (2008), 195-211.
A quick proof of the equivalence classes of extended Vogan diagrams (with C. C. Hu), Journal of Algebra 313 (2007), 824-827.
Geometric quantization and Zuckerman models of semisimple Lie groups, Forum Mathematicum 19 (2007), 823-850.
The direct integral of some weighted Bergman spaces, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 50 (2007), 115-122.
Extended Vogan diagrams (with C. C. Hu), Journal of Algebra 301 (2006), 112-147.
Symplectic induction and semisimple orbits, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 37 (2005), 446-458.
Equivalence classes of Vogan diagrams (with C. C. Hu), Journal of Algebra 279 (2004), 22-37.
Reinhardt domains and toric models, Michigan Mathematical Journal 51 (2003), 73-92.
Holomorphic discrete models of semisimple Lie groups and their symplectic constructions, Journal of Functional Analysis 175 (2000), 17-51.
Quantization, reduction, and flag manifolds, American Journal of Mathematics 122 (2000), 991-1016.
Holomorphic sections of prequantum line bundles on G/(P,P), Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 128 (2000), 2795-2799.
Kahler structures and weighted actions on the complex torus, Journal of the London Mathematical Society 61 (2000), 937-949.
Kahler structures on complex torus, Journal of Geometric Analysis 10 (2000), 257-267.
Dolbeault cohomology of G/(P,P) (with L. P. Teo), Mathematische Zeitschrift 230 (1999), 595-602.
Holomorphic sections of prequantum line bundles on G/N, Michigan Mathematical Journal 45 (1998), 375-385.
The generalized Borel-Weil theorem and cohomology of G/(P,P), Indiana University Mathematics Journal 46 (1997), 117-131.
Kaehler structures on Kc/(P,P), Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 349 (1997), 3373-3390.
K-invariant Kaehler structures on Kc/N and the associated line bundles, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 124 (1996), 3481-3491.
Kaehler structures on Kc/N (with V. Guillemin), Contemporary Mathematics 154 (1993), 181-195.