

程守慶 So-Chin Chen
03-571-5131 ext. 33127
程守慶 So-Chin Chen


The application of Huffman algorithm in local distribution(with Jin-Fu Chang and Kuang-Tsan Wu), Proceedings of national symposium on electromagnetic waves and communications, 425-442(1981).
On dominationg sets for uniform algebra on pseudoconvex domains, Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, special issue in honor of J.J. Kohn, revised,(2008).
On dominating phenomenon for bounded real harmonic functions in several variables, preprint, (2008).
On dominating sets for Nevanlinna class, preprint,(2008).
Subbundles of the tangent bundle of hypersurfaces of complex projective space", Bull. Inst. Math. Acad. Sinica, vol. 9, No.1 (1981), 111-127.
Microlocal analysis on free nilpotent Lie groups", Ph.D. Thesis, Princeton University, (1986).
An a priori estimate on the boundary of small admissible domain", Bull. Inst. Math. Acad. Sinica, Vol. 15, No.2 (1987), 119-152.
Regularity of the Bergman projection on domains with partial transverse symmetries", Math. Ann., 277 (1987), 135-140.
Global real analyticity of solutions to the $barpartial$-Neumann problem", Math. Zeit., 198 (1988), 239-259.
Global analytic hypoellipticity of the $barpartial$-problem on circular domains", Invent. math., 92 (1988), 173-185.
Exact regularity of the Bergman and Szeg$ddotrm o$ projections on domains with partially transverse symmetries", (with H.P. Boas and E.J. Straube), Manuscripta Math., 62 (1988), 467-475.
Global real analyticity of Solutions to the $barpartial$-Neumann problem on Reinhardt domains", Indiana Univ. Math. J., Vol. 37, No.2 (1988), 421-430.
Global regularity of the $barpartial$-Neumann problem on circular domains", Math. Ann., 285 (1989), 1-12.
Real analytic regularity of the Szeg$ddotrm o$ projection on circular domains", Pacific J. Math., Vol. 148, No.2 (1991), 225-235.
Regularity of the $barpartial$-Neumann problem", Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 111, No.3 (1991), 779-785.
Real analytic boundary regularity of the Cauchy kernel on convex domains", Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 108, No.2 (1990), 423-432.
Global regularity of the $barpartial$-Neumann problem: a sufficient condition", Bull. Inst. Math. Acad. Sinica, Vol. 19, No.3 (1991), 191-205.
Global regularity of the $barpartial$-Neumann problem in dimension two", Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., Vol. 52, Part 3 (1991), 55-61.
Characterizations of the unit ball and circular domains in $realc^n$", Complex Variables, Vol. 20 (1992), 237-253.
A remark on the uniform extendability of the Bergman kernel function", Math. Ann., 291 (1991), 481-486.
Characterization of the automorphis on the Barrett and the Diederich-Fornaess worm domains", Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 338, No.1 (1993), 431-440.
Real Analytic regularity of the Bergman and Szeg$ddotrm o$ projections on decoupled domains", Math. Zeit., 213 (1993), 491-508.
On the Darboux-Picard Theorem in $realc^n$", Michigan Math. J., 40 (1993), 605-608.
A counterexample to the differentiability of the Bergman kernel function", Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 124, No. 6 (1996), 1807-1810.
Real analytic regularity of the Bergman kernel function", Bull. Inst. Math. Acad. Sinica, Vol. 24, No. 1 (1996), 13-21.
Global analytic hypoellipticity of $Box_b$ on circular domains", Pacific J. Math., Vol. 175, No. 1 (1996), 61-70.
An extension of H. Cartan's theorem(with S.B. Jang)", Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 127, No. 8 (1999), 2265-2271.
Complex analysis in one and several variables, Taiwanese J. Math., Vol. 4, No. 4 (2000), 531-568.
On zero varieties of holomorphic functions in Hardy spaces, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 297, (2004), 38-47.