Question: > 我在老師的網頁下載了 檔,解開壓縮之後只有 compiler , > 請問老師要去哪裡下載 fortran (用來寫程式的)? > 謝謝! > Answer: you have to write it as a plain text (with usual text editor, not WORD), save it as a xxx.f or xxx.for, then compile it. In a unix/Linux system, you can save it in either way. In a MS DOS, you have to save it as xxx.for there are some samle codes in my homepage as well. ( see also the 00readme file there ) xabc.for and abc.for are a complete main progrem + subroutine. try read the codes and compile them. In a unix/Linux system, you'll type f77 xabc.for abc.f In a MS DOS, try fl xabc.for abc.for Question: I did do i=1,n sum = sum + 1/i enddo in fortran, why does sum remain the same? ANswer: 1/i is interger operatoin ans=0, change it to 1./i