function p_eval = interp(x_nodes,divdif_y,x_eval) % % This is a function % p_eval = interp(x_nodes,divdif_y,x_eval) % It calculates the Newton divided difference form of % the interpolation polynomial of degree m-1, where the % nodes are given in x_nodes, m is the length of x_nodes, % and the divided differences are given in divdif_y. The % points at which the interpolation is to be carried out % are given in x_eval; and on exit, p_eval contains the % corresponding values of the interpolation polynomial. % m = length(x_nodes); p_eval = divdif_y(m)*ones(size(x_eval)); for i=m-1:-1:1 p_eval = divdif_y(i) + (x_eval - x_nodes(i)).*p_eval; end