

Math 7100-00 (Fall 2006)  Topics on Calculus of Variations

General Information

Hours and Days: W6W7W8 (i.e. 14:10 ~ 17:00 W)
Classroom: 綜三 530
Office: 綜三 609

Office Hours: T5T6W4, or by appointments
Phone Number: (03) 5715131 Ext: 33067
Email: kchen@math.nthu.edu.tw 

Prerequisite: Ordinary Differential Equations, Real Analysis  



Most of the course materials are not available on books. A list of research papers as suggested readings will be dispensed in class. Some other useful readings are:

*          V.Arnold: Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics, Springer, 1989.

*          C.Siegel; J.Moser: Lectures on Celestial Mechanics, Springer, 1971.

*          J.Jost; X.Li-Jost: Calculus of Variations, Cambridge Univ Press, 1998.

*          A.Katok; B.Hasselblatt: Introduction to the Modern Theory of Dynamical Systems, Cambridge Univ Press, 1995. (Chap 11,12,13)

*          K.Siburg: The Principle of Least Action in Geometry and Dynamics, Springer, 2004.


Course Description:

This course is research oriented; many research problems will be suggested in classes. The course consists of lectures on variational calculus with applications to selected topics on Hamiltonian dynamical systems. We will emphasize particularly on applications to the classical N-body problem. If time permits, we will also discuss applications of variational calculus to monotone twist maps.

Those who intended to take this course should have some background on ordinary differential equations and real analysis. Apart from that, I will try to make this course as self-contained as possible; no prerequisite knowledge in calculus of variations or dynamical systems is required.


Oral presentation (40%) and Written report (60%).