

Math 5130-00 (Fall 2006)  Real Analysis (I)

General Information

Hours and Days: T2T3T4 (i.e. 9:00 ~ 12:00 T)
Classroom: 綜三 723
Office: 綜三 609

Office Hours: T5T6W4, or by appointments
Phone Number: (03) 5715131 Ext: 33067
Email: kchen@math.nthu.edu.tw 

Teaching Assistants: (R710, Ext:33024), 洪國智 (R732, Ext:33121)

Prerequisite:高等微積分, 二

R.L.Wheeden and A.Zygmund: Measure and Integral - An introduction to Real Analysis, Marcel Dekker, 1977.


H.L.Royden: Real Analysis, Macmillian, 1988.

W.Rudin: Real and Complex Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1987.

Course Description: This course is an introduction to the theory of measure and integration.
In the first semester we will focus on Lebesgue's theory of measure and integration. Topics to be covered include:
1. Lebesgue measure and outer measure
2. Lebesgue measurable functions
3. Lebesgue integrals
Repeated integration
Lp spaces (if time permits) 
Attendance: Students are expected to attend every scheduled class. It is the student's responsibility to keep informed of any announcements, syllabus adjustments or policy changes made during scheduled classes.


Homework: Exercises from Chapter 3-7 in Wheeden-Zygmund’s book.

Quizzes (30%): There will be 5~7 quizzes based on homework assignments. Contact your teaching assistants for details.

Two midterm exam (40%): Each midterm exam worth 20% of the course grade. Dates of tests will be determined during the first week of classes. (Solutions for Exam 1, Exam 2.)

Final Exam (30%): Time and date of final exam is 9:00-11:30, Jan 9 (Tuesday).

Click here for the course syllabus